Home / Annual Conference / 2018 Edmonton / Program
Thanks to the exceptional response to our call for abstracts, the technical program is one of the strongest and most-varied in recent years, with over 100 presentations in four concurrent streams. The preliminary program includes seven workshops, a Pecha Kucha, and two “innovation lab” sessions! Our session topics cover most everything current and noteworthy in the industry, including two sessions on gender issues in city-building, and a session on CASE (Connected / Automated / Shared / Electric) topics to complement our partnership with the Conference Board of Canada and their Automated Vehicles 2018 conference starting on the Wednesday of conference week.
In addition to four consecutive technical streams, we are pleased to be able to offer a variety of technical tours that will get you outside and show you the innovative transportation planning and engineering work that helped transform Edmonton over the past decade. A sample of tours being offered includes:
Canadian Capacity Guide Methodology & PTV Vistro Software Workshop
The CITE Traffic Engineering Subcommittee and PTV Group are pleased to invite you to a training event on Sunday, June 3, 2018 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. It will include a morning of discussion on the core principles and basic theory behind intersection capacity analysis—with focus on the Canadian Capacity Guide for Signalized Intersections (CCG)—followed by an afternoon workshop using the latest Vistro 6 Traffic Analysis Software from PTV. Check here for more details.
We are pleased to confirm that our keynote will be delivered by Greg Zeschuk. Originally trained as a medical doctor (UofA Med ’92), Greg teamed up with two classmates and formed the video game company BioWare in 1995. For the next 17 years, BioWare would create many of the industry’s most beloved role-playing games (Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, Mass Effect) and form partnerships with LucasArts/LucasFilm, Microsoft, and Electronic Arts. BioWare was purchased by Electronic Arts in 2007. BioWare grew to seven studios across the globe before Greg and his business partner Ray Muzyka departed the company in 2012.
After BioWare Greg started a YouTube channel called The Beer Diaries focused on craft beer. This led to a desire to start a brewery in his hometown of Edmonton. Greg dabbled in land development to build the award-winning Ritchie Market, housing his brewery (Blind Enthusiasm Brewing Company) and restaurant (Biera), and the Monolith, housing Blind Enthusiasm’s barrel-aging facility.
Greg now operates his companies while focusing on contributing to the community via hosting charitable events and participating in local festivals and fundraising efforts. He also serves on a number of private, public, and not-for-profit boards. We look forward to hearing more of his story and being inspired to activate our passions in our communities.
Student Mixer – Come join us and the next generation of transportation professionals at Metro Billiards.
Traffic Bowl – Get ready to cheer at the annual CITE traffic bowl!
Hockey Game – No CITE conference would be complete without the annual street hockey game. Better start training now!