est Speaker: | Kate Whitfield – Principal at Alta Planning and Design
Kate Whitfield is a Professional Engineer and Professional Planner. As a Principal with Alta Planning + Design, she leads the Canadian operation from Ottawa. Alta is a planning and engineering firm that specializes in multi-modal transportation with a focus on active modes and complete streets.
An interactive discussion on where Active Transportation work is at in the Province of Ontario Together we will talk AT and explore what we need as a profession. What favorite technical resource would you recommend to a colleague? What is the job market like in Ontario for AT professionals? What are the trends? For instance, where are cities headed with building protected intersections? Kate will facilitate a discussion among participants. Let’s see where it takes us! |
Student Presentations: | COVID-19 impacts on Bicycle Traffic in the Town of Milton
Presented by Anna Davey & Huzefa Ansari In this presentation we will present findings from 24/7 traffic data collected by MioVision in the Town of Milton. Our analysis focuses on twelve intersections within the Town of Milton with full year, 24/7 traffic counts. We examine ridership trends over the period of August 2019 – July 2020, present conclusions, and make recommendations for bicycle facilities on the Main Street corridor if ridership trends persist.
Daily and Monthly Variation of Traffic Data during Various Stages of the Pandemic Maggen Louisius and Li Huang Turning movement count data has been provided by MioVision on Ontario St in the Town of Milton. This data was used to derive daily and monthly variation factors for the entire year. Based on these variation factors, we determined a representative day and compared measures of effectiveness (v/c, LOS) at one of the intersections. Three months were selected to represent various stages of COVID: pre-pandemic, start of pandemic, and later stage of pandemic. We plan to share our findings on how much of the intersection’s capacity is used throughout the year based on those three months. |