This event has been re-scheduled to November 10, 2023
The City of Ottawa is updating its Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP Policies, approved in April 2023, describe how Ottawa will plan, design, build, operate, and maintain its transportation system to achieve the goals of the new Official Plan. The TMP Capital Infrastructure Plan, to be completed in 2025, will identify the projects and investments that are needed to meet future travel needs and achieve the City’s mode share and greenhouse gas reduction targets. It will also identify a subset of projects that are affordable within the City’s long-range financial plans.
Please join us to learn more about some of the new policies and actions in the TMP, and the next steps for updating the Capital Infrastructure Plan.
Katarina Cvetkovic, M.Eng., P.Eng., City of Ottawa
Katarina Cvetkovic is a senior project manager in the City’s Transportation Policy & Networks Branch and is leading the update of the Transportation Master Plan Part 2. Most recently she worked in the City’s Transportation Environmental Assessments (EA) Branch on a variety of EA studies. Prior to joining the City, Katarina helped manage projects and programs at the Transportation Association of Canada.
Deborah Lightman, City of Ottawa
Deborah is a transportation planner with ten years of experience in both the public and private sectors. She is passionate about sustainable transportation and equitable city-building and is currently the Program Manager of Active Transportation Planning. Prior to her current role, she was the project manager for Part 1 of the update to the City of Ottawa’s Transportation Master Plan.