Join the Ontario Chapter of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) and ITE NCS on a fun bicycle ride to explore the recently constructed east portions of the Nepean Trail, a 5 km cycling corridor that runs parallel to and acts as a quiet alternative to busy Merivale Road. Conceived by Nepean residents and promoted by a candidate ward councillor, this route was included as an ‘affordable project’ in the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan. Consisting of a variety of cycling facility types, the route illustrates how policy for bicycle planning in Ottawa shifted towards a corridor approach in contrast to the previous piecemeal opportunity-based approach. City staff will be present to answer questions and provide information about the planning, design and construction of the route.
Space is limited to 25 people, with priority to active members of APBP or ITE. If you sign up and will not be able make it, please let us know so we can free up a spot.