Join us on April 10 for a presentation by Dr. Willem Klumpenhouwer on quantitatively measuring equity in transportation!
More about the talk: There is a growing desire from governments, agencies, and advocates to explicitly incorporate concepts of equity and transportation justice into the transportation planning process. One emerging effort in the industry is to develop and implement quantitative ways of measuring equity in the context of long-term planning and scenario evaluation. In this presentation we will look at how we can evaluate existing and future conditions through a quantitative, equity-focused lens and incorporate these measures into business cases and long-term planning exercises.
Date: April 10, 2024
Time: 11:30am-1:00pm
Location: Danish Canadian Club (727 11 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0E3)
In-Person Options:
Note that this year, in an effort to accommodate more transportation professionals across our province (especially those in Lethbridge), we’re offering additional attendance options. Participants that select the online ticket option will receive a link after registering and be able to watch the luncheon online. Participants that select the in-person option in Lethbridge will be able to join others for networking, lunch and a live stream of the presentation at the Stafford Centre. Please reach out to Adam St. Amant ( if you have any questions about the Lethbridge event option. All other in-person ticket options are for attendance in Calgary.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Willem Klumpenhouwer is an independent transit research and data consultant based in Calgary, Alberta. He draws on his academic, government, and advocacy experience to support evidence-based planning through research, analytics, and visualization. He has helped transit agencies, cities, and advocacy groups in Canada and the United States learn more about their transit systems and push for positive change. Willem’s academic research experience includes a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Toronto’s Transit Analytics Lab and a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Calgary. In addition to being an advocate for just and sustainable cities, Willem enjoys spending time with his new daughter and volunteering at Loose Moose Theatre.