We are pleased to announce the ITE Canada 2025 Annual Conference happening June 1-4 in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
ITE Canada’s National Technical Program Committee invites you to share your ideas and help shape the conversation about the future of transportation and land use integration. As we strive to create more livable, inclusive, and sustainable environments, the need to consider the relationship between land use and transportation has never been more critical.
The theme of this conference, Complete Communities: Integrating Transportation and Land Use Planning, will explore how coordinated approaches to transportation and development can create healthier, more connected, and climate-resilient communities.
We welcome submissions from any topic in a variety of formats. Below are some suggestions for topics of high interest:
- Coordination between jurisdictions or collaboration between engineers and planners
- Emerging trends in mobility (new technology, climate change, accessible design, EVs, etc.)
- Designing and planning for different demographics (vulnerable users, freight, school programs, socio-ethnic groups, genders, etc.)
- Case studies of projects: what went well and what didn’t
- Traffic engineering and analysis
- Transportation planning
The Call for Abstracts will close on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Find the full Call for Abstracts and everything you need to know about Halifax 2025 at conference.itecanada.org