ITE Canada invites individuals or firms to express their interest in providing professional training opportunities to our transportation community starting in Fall 2024.
The purpose of this training program is to equip and inform participants with the latest trends and skills critical to their professional development, career success, and effective performance.
Training topics that ITE Canada would be interested in supporting may include but are not limited to:
- Speed Management
- Complete Streets
- Climate Change Considerations
- Health Impact Assessments
- New Ways of Transportation Demand Management Planning
- Roundabouts Operation and Analysis
- Equity Assessments for Transportation Projects (e.g. Gender-Based Analysis Plus)
- Emerging Technologies
- Curbside Management
- Safe System Approach and Proactive Crash Screening (alternatives to black spot analysis)
- Artificial Intelligence in Transportation
- Workforce in the Transportation Field
- Transport Resilience
- The new version of MUTCD
- Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
- Road Safety Audits
- Different Approaches to Traffic Impact Assessments
- Fundamental Transportation Engineering and Geometric Design
The ITE Canada Training Committee has successfully hosted several training sessions over the past year and is planning to organize one or more training sessions as a result of this RFP. See the full Request for Proposals below.
To respond to this Request for Proposal, please submit the information requested below to together with the curricula vitae of the trainer(s). This submission is intended to be a proposal in providing training on a topic along with demonstrable qualifications for being able to train others on the topic.
Deadline for questions: May 3, 2024 11:59 pm (Pacific).
Deadline for proposals: May 17, 2024 at 5:00 pm (Pacific).