In this issue of Transportation Talk:
Professionals Supporting Students
- A message from ITE President Elect Bruce Belmore on how ITE is investing in its future
- Ideas from excite on how professionals can support student chapters
- Former student chapter presidents with their favourite memories and how they support students now
Active Transportation Safety
2018 CITE Excellence in Transportation Student Paper Award winner Ahmed Osama presents his research that aims to develop a systematic approach to improve active transportation safety
2018 International ITE Student Chapter of the Year: University of Manitoba
We highlight the standout student chapter that took home the prize at ITE’s 2018 Annual Meeting and its current president Abby Scaletta
- New Training Opportunities
- TAC Tidbits from Saskatoon
- Ottawa 2019 Call for Abstracts
- Introducing the new Technical Liaison Committee
And much more!
You can download a PDF version below:
40.3 Fall 2018 6.14 MB 577 downloads
The 2018 Autumn edition of Transportation Talk. ...Posted on October 30, 2018