The New CITE Website

We have spent the past few months completely redesigning our website and we hope you like what you see. Our new site focuses on providing a more modern look that is bright, clean and easy to use. We have also made some significant changes to our popular job posting service along with a new look for the job listing page. Job postings now appear as web pages (versus PDF files) that are now more easily searched and faster to load. Employers now have the option to add their logo and links to application forms right in the job listing in addition to being able to edit their posting at anytime.
We also now have a central library of CITE publications, meeting minutes and other reference material accessible by either a folder structure or by using our search function (that actually works!). When you view a document in the library it will “auto-preview” allowing you to read the contents of the document without downloading. You, of course, will still have the option to download if you want!
Perhaps our most exciting addition to the site is our new events calendar. It is map-based so you will see, at a glance, events happening right across the country. If you are hosting a transportation event please let us know and we’ll be sure to add it to the calendar. We especially would like to hear from our Sections and their activities as this will be a great way to promote your events.

In addition to these new features, here are some of the other improvements we have made:
- Content is better organized along our primary activities
- Links to our social media pages are now accessible on every page
- Website can be translated to French and Spanish
- We have direct links to pages in particular the membership directory and the ITE Bookstore
- Transportation Talk will have feature articles posted online along with the full traditional PDF file version
Over the coming months we will be adding more content to the library in particular historical documents that you may have accessed on the old site. We will also focus on adding more events and continue to improve the content to make it most relevant to you.
We hope you enjoy the site and please let us know what you think.