Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT)-Canadian Methodology Information Report

Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT)-Canadian Methodology Information Report

In 2010, the City of Calgary developed a methodology to measure Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) as part of its Monitoring and Reporting Program. During the background research phase, the City of Calgary undertook a review of VKT calculation approaches and found a broad array of methods for deriving VKT estimates. Currently, there is no standardized and consistent methodology for VKT calculation within Canada yet the VKT indicator is often compared between cities.

The City of Calgary approached the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers Technical Liaison Committee (CITE TLC) to initiate a project to develop a standardized VKT methodology to be used nation-wide. The CITE TLC approved the project on December 7, 2010 with an information report to be submitted by the end of January 2012.

A Project team was developed with several transportation professionals across Canada representing both the public and private sector. The team developed a project objective and conducted a survey through CITE. Based on the survey information, the team developed recommendations that are presented in this report.

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Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT)-Canadian Methodology Information Report