Student Presentation Competition
- March 21, 2023, 4:00-6:30 PM, as the Saskatchewan section hosts a virtual Technical Presentation Competition for students.
- This event aims to foster interest in the field of transportation while providing students an opportunity to present a transportation topic to their peers and transportation professionals.
- Shortlisted students will give a 10-15 minute presentation on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, via a web conferencing platform, followed by a short question and answer period. Team submissions will not be accepted.
- Student registration:
- Students can register by emailing the Programs Director by March 7, 2023 at
- Please include a summary of your presentation and a short bio.
- Students will be notified by March 8, 2022, if their presentation will be included in the competition.
- First place winner will receive an honorarium of $350, and runner-up winners will receive a $150 cash honorarium.
- First place winner will also be entered into a draw for free registration to the 2023 ITE-Canada Annual Conference and an additional $1,000 towards reimbursable travel expenses, funded by ITE-Canada. If the selected student is from Saskatchewan, the ITE-SK Section will contribute up to $500 towards the students attendance at the 2023 ITE-Canada Annual Conference in Winnipeg. The selected student will receive recognition at the Annual Awards Luncheon.
- Potential topics: Complete Streets, Active Transportation, Traffic Calming, Public Transit, Geometric Design, Roundabouts and Innovative Intersection Designs, Connected/Automated Vehicles, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Parking and Curbside Management, Mobility as a Service / Mobility on Demand, Sustainability, Accessibility, Speed Management, Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, Transportation Safety, Transportation System Management and Operations, COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations.