Presenter: Troy McKay, Senior Manager, Transportation and Development Services, District of Saanich
Troy is passionate about sustainable forms of transportation and building a safe connected community in Saanich. Troy’s recent work includes leading teams responsible for developing Saanich’s road safety policies and Active Transportation Plan, and has managed large infrastructure projects such as the Craigflower Bridge Replacement. Troy oversees the team at Saanich responsible for building All Ages and Abilities (AAA) active transportation infrastructure.
Presentation Description:
This presentation will provide an overview of the Saanich Speed Limit Establishment Policy which provides progressive guidance for staff to determine the appropriate speed limits on all streets under Saanich’s jurisdiction and control. The Saanich Speed Limit Establishment Policy is informed by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and their guide City Limits – Setting Safe Speed Limits on Urban Streets. This Council Policy sets guidelines for appropriate speed limits on all streets under the jurisdiction and control of the Municipality of Saanich. It is used as a tool to separate politics and engineering while being a guide staff’s recommendation to Council for enacting amendments to speed limits, which are regulated through the Streets and Traffic Regulation Bylaw.