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On-Demand Transit Service

October 6, 2022@12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Brought to you by the ITE National Capital Section

When you think about public transit, do you think big buses, schedules, and stops? While a great tool for moving lots of people in dense, urban environments, many transit agencies and municipalities across the world have identified the need for a more creative, right-sized transit solution to better suit the needs of small, suburban, rural, or even remote communities.

Join us for a discussion of the potential applications of technology in the delivery of On Demand transit service, and how Canadian cities have used this approach to better serve residents and communities.

Erin Blay

Erin Blay is a transit planner with over 10 years of experience in transit and transportation planning, most recently as the Supervisor of Service Design & Projects at Halifax Transit. Based in Dillon’s Ottawa Office, she has considerable experience delivering capital projects, designing new transit routes, public engagement and partnering with local employers and organizations to deliver Transportation Demand Management programming. Erin is the currently the Project Manager of the Transit Windsor East End Terminal relocation, and has also recently contributed to a number of studies including a best practices summary for Bus Network Redesigns for Barrie Transit, the City of Hamilton’s review of specialized transit service delivery model.

Erin’s other recent projects have included the roll out of the Moving Forward Together Plan, the Halifax Transit network redesign, a Bus Rapid Transit Study, the launch of the Halifax Transit Low-Income Transit Pass Program and the Rural Transit Funding Program.

Erin brings to her role experience from transit agencies across Canada and the consulting world, as well as a passion for all things that get people out of their cars. Her goal is to help make transportation more accessible, inclusive, and equitable by building robust and affordable transit networks in municipalities large and small.



October 6, 2022
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT
Event Category:


Ottawa Area (Virtual)
Ottawa, ON Canada


ITE National Capital Section

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