Our event ticketing system is down, we are working on a resolution

Year Founded: 1992

Membership: 54

Elections: Every year

Email: utoronto@itecanada.org

Website: ut-ite.ca

Latest Annual Report:

ITE University of Toronto

The University of Toronto – Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter (UT-ITE) aims to promote transportation to the university community, acquaint students with topics of interest in transportation and traffic engineering through talks and activities, and make connections with the broader Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) community.

Membership is open to all students registered at the University of Toronto.

Current Executive

Chapter Advisor:Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou
President:Usman Ahmed
Vice President:Mahia Anhara
Financial Officer:Omar ElSamadisy
Administrative Officer:Mohammad Amin Abedini

Year Founded: 1992

Membership: 54

Elections: Every year

Email: utoronto@itecanada.org

Website: ut-ite.ca

Latest Annual Report:

