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The Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide provides guidelines on the use of devices for pedestrian crossing control relating to new installations or where existing installations need to be retrofitted. The Guide is primarily intended to augment the information about pedestrian crossing control devices and their applications contained in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC).
The main objective of this Guide is to promote uniformity across Canada with respect to the approach used in the provision of pedestrian crossing control, while improving road safety for these users. This is done through the development of a decision support tool to assist in the decision-making process when:
•establishing the need for controlling the traffic to enable pedestrians to cross the roadway; and
•identifying the type of traffic control device that would be most suitable for the location’s geometry and cross section, vehicular exposure, and pedestrian demand.
This document includes a CD ROM, Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide: Technical Knowledge Base report, which summarizes the literature review and jurisdictional survey results used to prepare the Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide. The Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide (2012) supercedes the Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual, published by the Transportation Association of Canada in 1998.
Completed in 2012, this publication is available online through the TAC bookstore at: http://tac-atc.ca/en